Getting Started — FAQ's By Surgeon/Dentist Office
How can I make anesthesia services available to my patients?
Call OADC to schedule a meeting in your office with Dr. Messieha to discuss the details of patient care in your office setting. Your surgical/dental operatory space needs to be conducive to have the anesthesia monitors and equipment. If your office staff needs an orientation regarding office-based anesthesia in the surgical/dental office, this could be arranged and scheduled with Dr. Messieha by calling our office staff. How do I Schedule a Procedure? When a patient is identified who may require office-based anesthesia services, your office staff should fill out the referral form on this website. Once OADC has received this referral form, a consultation will be scheduled by OADC staff for your patient with the anesthesiologist prior to the surgical/dental procedure. Most of the time this can be done on the telephone, however, in some cases it may be necessary to schedule the consultation in your office, so that the anesthesiologist can better assess the physical status and airway for the patient. During the consultation, the anesthetic procedure will be explained to the patient; also a review of the patient's medical history will be conducted by the anesthesiologist. Pre-anesthesia instructions will be discussed with the patient and will be made available to the patient in writing via e-mail, website download, or mail. The financial responsibility regarding the anesthesia fees will also be explained. In most cases a physician physical will be requested prior to the scheduled procedure. Depending on the patient's medical history, further diagnostic work-up might be needed. A mutually agreeable date and time is then scheduled for the procedure. What determines the type of anesthesia given? The anesthesiologist will have a discussion with the treating doctor and come to a decision based on the following factors: 1. the type of procedure. 2. age of the patient. 3. level of cooperation. 4. past medical history. How will such services affect my mal-practice insurance? 1. In most cases it will not affect your premium, however, the best way to find out is to contact your policy carrier and inform them that you will start making such services available through a separate anesthesia provider. 2. While most of the time your malpractice premium will not be affected, there's still a chance your carrier might assess a small increase. Most commonly, they might request a copy of the anesthesiologist malpractice coverage or alternatively, request to be certificate holders on the policy (i.e. they would be notified if the policy is changed or cancelled.) How can I find out the fee schedule and financial arrangements in advance? Please contact our office for fee schedule/financial arrangement information. We look forward to serving your patient's needs! Sincerely, Dr. Zak Messieha, the nurses, and the staff of OADC |